Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Freedom Parade

Everybody know that Colombia has having big narcos who have broken our image of a good country for the whole world.  All of us also know we have "guerrilla" or militia groups that go against of the government and have their own rules. They were suppoused to protect the people from the unfair treatment from the government; however, they have been hurting innocent people more than the militia they were suppoused to fight against.

Those groups have killed, raped and kidnapped thousand of people, and worst, they ask money to save or return individuos to their families.  Many countries may think people don't fight against of them, but they are very strong and powerful. Nevertheles, people and government have taken the control of the situation eliminating the biggest head that lead this big team, made of many others groups lead by little people that follow the big leaders.

Before to come back to the United States in July, 2008, there was in Colombia a special parade that make us feel proud of where we live. The parade was thought for the people that was tired of this criminals and want kidnapped people to return home with their wives, children, husbands, parents... That day, July 20, was our independence day, and we decided to march for the independence or freedom of those groups.

My two sisters were in this country and they couldn't go with me, but I found a good company in my peruvian friend, Andres, who went to meet me personally to Colombia after almost five years chatting online, and before I returned to the USA. I also went with some cousins and friends to protest for a good cause. That was an historical day where the country had the biggest demonstration of love for colombians and the rejection of militian groups that whant to hurt innocent people.

July 20, 2008, was one of the days that I firmly felt proud of being a Colombian Citizen!!

1 comment:

  1. hej,luiza
    You right about that,but every country have some big or small problems.That very good idea to make special parade and I am sure that this kind of parades can make same changes.
