Friday, October 8, 2010

The Andean Condor

Talking about climate changes and animals in danger of extinction, I want to talk about the Andean Condor, an animal that has a special role as the symbol in the patriotic and historical Colombian coat of arms of my country and many others in South America, such as Chile, Peru, Argentina, and Ecuador. Condors were considered important since many ancient cultures inhabitant the Andean Mountains for its power and health. People used to think they have medicinal features, and since that time, they started to hunt them trying to get condors organs.

The Andean Condor is a species of South American bird with the largest wings in the world that spans with 3.2 m and can flight up to 16000 feet, going to places where no one or nothing can reach easily. This bird can be found in the Andes Mountains and Pacific coasts of western South America. However, the human hunting activities have reduced their habitat and have caused also, the almost extinction of this interesting and imposing animal.

The condor feeds itself on carrion and prefers carcasses from big animals; it also has the longest life time, up to 50 years, and it reaches their sexual maturity at age of six years. They have two eggs in each birth doing human task a hard process to increase their population. The most sadly thing is that presently we can only find EIGHT different condors known flying in the Andean!! This is really disappointed!

1 comment:

  1. Hi,I LIKE YOUR BLOOG.It look very nice,and the pictures are great.This bird look beautiful.I didn't know that he has the larges wings in the world.Thank you I learned something new.I am looking forward for your new posts.
