My passion! Well I really think I have several passions in my life: my family, music - especially while I'm dancing jeje, time to sleep...but if I have to talk about one of those, for sure I choose my family! Ahhhh! Why? Because I love them! My family members are the biggest passion that I have.
My father, 75-year-old man that spent all his life working in a sugar refinery to supply all needs of the family, including the studies my sisters and I did in University, and putting on the side whatever his own needs were. I think he showed us the strenght we have to have in life to reach every goal we plan to get in the future. My mom, a very dedicated housewife always caring about "the little girls" and her husband. She taught us that love is the base of family success and helped us to be who we are now. Paola, my oldest sister and my "mom" in this country, who accepted me at her home when I came, and keeps supporting me in everything I need. Viviana, My youngest sister, the little girl of the house, ja! and she is now 27, not even me can believe it yet. Wow time goes fast! She has been always the one to care about because she is...was the spoiled and sweet little girl; however, she can show what to be strong means facing big family problems by herself. Melissa, my little cousin that has been growing up with my family sice she was born. She always cares and gives love inconditional to my parents and youngest sister now that we are far away. Finally but not less, Camila, my 20-month-old niece and "daugther" that every day that I sit, can teach me what true love means with her kisses, hugs, smiles and dances she gives me. She was the one that took my sister out of the spoiled place.
This is my biggest passion, my family, and I am really proud of having those human beings close to me to make every day of my life the best of the best! Love them.....
I like your passion ,i think my passions are simmilar to yours.Famili ans music are the most important.