Friday, September 24, 2010

The Bookstore's Fault

Today I have my Grammar class in the morning, and we were checking the answer of our homework. at the end, the teacher asked to us to look for the new topic in page 300. When all of us looked for the page, we found out the book didn't have that page. What page? 200 or 300? It was page 300, but the teacher and one of our classmates had it but noone else. How can it be? Well, the book the teacher chose has two presentations: The first one is a full content book, and the second is a two-parts book. The teacher asked the bookstore to sell the book with the full content; however, they sold us the Volume A of the two-parts presentation. Now, what can we solve this? It is not our fault, so an fair solution should be return our books and pay for the extra money it can cost. Another possible solution could be get the Volume B for a special price, in order to get a close price to the full book. The price of the full book is around fifty dollars, but each volume cost around of thirty-five dollars. Do the math, who's winning? Who's loosing? Who's fault is it from? Now we have to pay for anyone's mistake. The teacher was really mad with this situation!

The good thing is that we look for the book online, and we found new and used Volume B books for a cheaper price. The new book has a price of twenty seven dollars with a cash back of thirteen fifty dollars. This makes the final price cheaper: thirteen fifty dollars!!!! Besides this, the used book has a cost of twenty one dollars with the same amount in cash back, getting down the final cost to seven dollars. This is a good deal. The final decision we got was to buy the book in that moment, in order to get it for next week and work with it in class and do our next homework.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Fair Solution for children

When people become in an immigrant usually think they want to improve their living conditions, no matter if they have to cross the border. In many cases, people come alone and leave the rest of the family at the original country they come from. However, in many other cases people decide to bring their whole families and start a new life in here. In these cases, many children are coming to this country as immigrants without any knowledge about what laws are they breaking. Parents don't think what would happend to their children if they are deported, or if the children grow up, but can't live in freedom as american citizens. Those children grow in this country, they learn american culture and speak american language, but what happend with them when they want to apply to any school ar in some cases, want to be hire for a company? They are totally rejected for being a non american citizen or a person with illegal status.

Now, the new porposal for undocumented immigrant students tries to help the under-age children who have been living in this country before an age of sixteen, and over five years before the bill. Minors have to satisfy some conditions to be able to get a conditional permanent residency, and later a possible citizenship. Good for those kids that can participate in this act, but many people think that this is the unique solution Obama is going to use to help immigrants, and he is going to avoid any other way to accept undocumented immigrants in this country. I think is a fair solution for kids that never had the chance to decide if they want to come or not as an immigrant. Let's see what happend.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

My Passion

My passion! Well I really think I have several passions in my life: my family, music - especially while I'm dancing jeje, time to sleep...but if I have to talk about one of those, for sure I choose my family! Ahhhh! Why? Because I love them! My family members are the biggest passion that I have.

My father, 75-year-old man that spent all his life working in a sugar refinery to supply all needs of the family, including the studies my sisters and I did in University, and putting on the side whatever his own needs were. I think he showed us the strenght we have to have in life to reach every goal we plan to get in the future. My mom, a very dedicated housewife always caring about "the little girls" and her husband. She taught us that love is the base of family success and helped us to be who we are now. Paola, my oldest sister and my "mom" in this country, who accepted me at her home when I came, and keeps supporting me in everything I need. Viviana, My youngest sister, the little girl of the house, ja! and she is now 27, not even me can believe it yet. Wow time goes fast! She has been always the one to care about because she is...was the spoiled and sweet little girl; however, she can show what to be strong means facing big family problems by herself. Melissa, my little cousin that has been growing up with my family sice she was born. She always cares and gives love inconditional to my parents and youngest sister now that we are far away. Finally but not less, Camila, my 20-month-old niece and "daugther" that every day that I sit, can teach me what true love means with her kisses, hugs, smiles and dances she gives me. She was the one that took my sister out of the spoiled place.

This is my biggest passion, my family, and I am really proud of having those human beings close to me to make every day of my life the best of the best! Love them.....